Glimmers of hope and good news

We are in week now, 7 since Ontario declared an emergency. It has been a tough time for all of us and certainly our world has changed.  While the challenges of managing this pandemic continue, there are glimmers of hope and good news here and there. Slowly attention is turning to what re-opening and recovery could look like.  

Electronic Town halls: A big thanks to all those who joined. It was great to hear from and meet virtually with many of you.  A number of useful suggestions and actionable items were raised that we have followed up on.  If anyone missed a town hall and wants to attend one, please email me and if we get enough requests (At least 6) I will be happy to host another one and include you. 

Turning our attention to re-opening and recovery:  As a second tier municipality, this is an area where we will be largely following provincial and regional direction. We will mostly work in lock step with other municipalities.  That said, staff are working on a plan as to what opening city services like recreation centres etc. will look like as and when the province provides a time line.  We will all be watching Quebec very closely to see how their opening up of the economy unfolds. In the meantime for now, it is continued social distancing and shut down of all non essential business in Ontario and Mississauga for now.  

Good News on Community Gardens
We are looking at opening up community gardens soon so that the planting season is not lost.  Safe social distancing rules will continue to apply. 

Landscaping?: Yes you can. Safe social distancing to apply. 

Home Made Masks:  A number of ladies in Ward 7 and in Mississauga have been making masks.  A big thank you to them.  These non surgical, washable and reusable masks are being been donated to nursing homes, seniors groups and  and other non health care front line workers.  
1) If you know someone who needs them, please let us know.
2) If you know someone who can sew and wants to make some masks, please let us know.


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CHANGES TO KING STREET:  Temporary bike lanes have been created on King Street to take advantage of reduced car traffic and to provide pedestrians and cyclists the ability to social distance and promote more foot traffic.  The bike lanes run from Camilla Road to Confederation Parkway.  I  am putting this under the bucket "unexpected fall out from COVID-19"

LRT MOVING FASTER THAN ANTICIPATED: Another unexpected fall out of COVID19 is that due to lighter than usual traffic on Hurontario St, the removal of medians has proceeded ahead of schedule!

WIRELESS MISSISSAUGA:  This link provides a map of free wifi hotspots in the city.

I will continue to send you updates.  Please do forward the email to your networks if you think folks will benefit from it.



Merry Christmas


7 things you need to know during these uncertian times.