Have Your Say on Making Cooksville a15-Minute City!

When Paris Mayor Ann Hidalgo promised to make Paris a 15-minute city, she gave life to an old idea: Living within a 15 minute walk of everything you need. 

For thousands of years that is how we lived, within walking distance of our essential needs; Church, grocery store, workplace, schools and post office.

Enter the car and all that changed! The roads became wider, the stores and workplaces became larger and further apart. Everything became bigger but in the bargain we lost the personal. The intimacy of walkable streets, the buzz of people on streets, the comfort of people centric Neighbourhoods.

The clock can’t be turned back, but what we can do is change the future. 

So it is here, in Mississauga, the poster child for a car centric city that we are going to

build a walkable 15-minute Cooksville. It is coming full circle. After all, historic Cooksville started off as a walkable community. It’s time to bring it back.

Why the focus on Cooksville?

  1. It’s already the closest thing to a 15-minute neighborhood that we have and so is a good place to start.

  2. It is the fastest redeveloping area in Ward 7, so it is the perfect opportunity to build better.

So, join me on this 15-minute Cooksville adventure. Be a part of the movement. Here is how:

1. On April 22, attend the 15-Minute Cooksville Forum. The topic of the forum: Is Cooksville a “15-minute city”? Should it be?

This is your chance to learn more and share your thoughts!

Meet Our Panelists:

Cherise Burda, Executive Director at City Building Ryerson will lead a discussion on this idea with guests Neluka Leanage, Founder and CEO of SafeGround, and Alex Bozikovic, an architecture critic and journalist at the Globe and Mail.

Join the conversation on the “15-minute city" on Thursday, April 22 from 6:00pm-8:00pm.


2. Take a 5 question poll to tell us how walkable Cooksville is today.


Cooksville’s Walk-Shed
Curious about how the 15-minute city concept applies to Cooksville? We created this interactive map showing all the amenities you can walk to in 15-minutes in Cooksville. Give it a try by clicking

Interactive Map

Learn more about the 15-minute city at https://www.c40knowledgehub.org/s/article/How-to-build-back-better-with-a-15-minute-city?language=en_US

PS: Paris Mayor Ann Hidalgo's inspiration for the 15-minute city? Our very own Jane Jacobs! So let’s honour Jane here at home.


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