Christmas 2020 - Homemade Gifts

This Christmas, I decided to make some home-made gifts for close family and friends.  The idea came from an article I read a couple of weeks ago, suggesting that this is the Christmas to try and make homemade gifts with so much of retail closed as well as the fact that we are all having a much quieter Christmas in so many ways.  The idea appealed.  I happen to love arts and crafts and nothing makes me happier than spending an afternoon making something with my own hands.  There was a time when I had more time, when I sewed my own cushion covers and simple drapes and enjoyed making everything from homemade decorative candles to   painting scarves.  I have to admit, that I don’t have much time for such pastimes anymore.  Politics is all consuming.  The Christmas slowdown over the last week coupled with the very pared down celebration our family is having meant that I am not rushing around as much as I used to past Christmases.  It was the perfect opportunity to spend an afternoon making my hand made gifts. 


The best part, making these simple gifts gave me so much pleasure, so much more than going out and buying something.  Here is hoping the recipients will like it.  Regardless, the best gift for me was a wonderful afternoon, my kitchen a riotous mess of colours, aromas and jars! 

Bath Salts 2.jpg

Best wishes,



New Cooksville Starbucks!


Traffic Improvements on Stillmeadow