Traffic Improvements on Stillmeadow

I wanted to take a moment to share some good news about an issue I know that is important to all of you. I have heard all of your concerns and have been working with staff to ensure that the City properly addresses the speeding concerns on Stillmeadow.

One of the pieces that some of you brought to my attention, was the timing of the lights at Stillmeadow and Queensway. I know that there was an issue in regards to how short the light stayed green for those on Stillmeadow. I know that this affected vehicles speeding and wanting to make the light before it changed, so that was something that I had staff investigate. There is a new timing of the lights which allows for the light to stay green for a longer period of time so that more vehicles coming down Stillmeadow are able to successfully make the light without the need to speed. I know this will not deter all drivers from speeding, but believe it is a step in the right direction towards mitigating Stillmeadow’s speeding problem.

I am also excited to share with those of you that were unable to attend my last virtual meeting that I have successfully received staff’s commitment to include Stillmeadow in the next phase of 40km/h implementation. I believe that these two changes are positive outcomes, and wanted to share those with you before the year-end.



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